Sky Light, Sun Tunnel, and Sunroom Products
Natural light is fundamental to the quality of our lives and living and working environments. More than any other element, light can help you make a house a home or an office more appealing and efficient. Light can actually alter how you feel about living space in a positive way. Sky lights take advantage of unused space to bring more light into your life.
Skylight technology has come a long way in the last 20 years in design, convenience, energy efficiency, and leak-proofing. VELUX, an industry leader, offers a complete system of complementary products and accessories for any solution.
Energy Contributors
Sky lights not only bring light into living and working spaces but also energy and ventilation. Strategically placed, they take advantage of solar heat gain and fresh air in a unique way. Adding blackout blinds, light-filtering blinds, Venetian blinds, or solar blinds adds flexibility to keep heat in during cold weather and out during warm weather.
Explore this section of Rochester Skylights to discover the sky light products and accessories that will bring light and enjoyment to your home or commercial space for years to come.
View VELUX Products from the Exterior
For a visual overview of the varying products and how they might look on a residential structure, visit this VELUX Products page.
Design Your Own Sky Light or Sun Tunnel
Thinking of adding a skylight? Do you want to explore sizes, placement, and options? See swatches for blackout and light-filtering blinds?
Download the VELUX Skylight Planner App for iPhone or the VELUX Skylight Planner forAndroid (compatible with Android phones and Xoom tablets).
Contact Rochester Skylights today to illuminate your home or business
with skylights, sun tunnels or roof windows!